Home » Учебно-методические материалы » Использование игровых технологий на уроках английского языка в рамках обновленного содержания образования

Использование игровых технологий на уроках английского языка в рамках обновленного содержания образования

В настоящее время игровые технологии на уроках английского языка представляют огромный интерес для педагогов. Они нашли широкое применение в учительской практике. Игровые технологии имеют огромный потенциал с точки зрения приоритетной образовательной задачи: формирования субъектной позиции ребёнка в отношении собственной деятельности, общения и самого себя.

В современном Казахстане с 2016 года внедряется  новая система образования, ориентированная на мировое образовательное пространство. Это объясняет тот факт, что этот процесс сопровождается существенными изменениями в педагогической теории и практике.  Программа обновления образования предполагает, что обучение должно быть активным и проводиться в условиях сотрудничества. В данном аспекте использование игровых технологий, направленных на развитие четырёх видов речевой деятельности: слушание, говорение, чтение и письмо остается одним из эффективных методов в обучении английскому языку в рамках  современного обновленного содержания образования.
При использовании игровых технологий на уроках необходимо соблюдение следующих условий: 1) согласованность игры с учебно-воспитательными целями урока; 2) доступность для учащихся данного возраста; 3) умеренность в использовании игр на уроках. Игровые технологии можно применить на традиционных  уроках и на нетрадиционных уроках как: урок — соревнование, урок — конкурс, урок — путешествие, урок – КВН. Играми можно воспользоваться  на определённом этапе урока (начало, середина, конец; знакомство с новым материалом, закрепление знаний, умений, навыков, повторение и систематизация изученного).
Я  постоянно применяю игровые формы обучения английскому языку. Игры помогают ученикам преодолеть  трудности при овладении языкового материала. Игры могут иметь различную направленность: 1)правильно организованная с учётом специфики материала игра тренирует память, помогает учащимся выработать речевые умения и навыки; 2) игра стимулирует умственную деятельность учащихся, развивает внимание и познавательный интерес к предмету; 3) игра — один из приёмов преодоления пассивности учеников.
Предлагаю вниманию читателей перечень и описание игр, которыми я пользуюсь, чтобы способствовать развитию у детей догадки, навыков говорения и вызвать их интерес к уроку.

1/ Abstract Picture  (для развития воображения)

Draw a big rectangle on the board. Draw in the rectangle a variety of squiggles (lines), doodles, shapes (and colors if you have them). Ask the class what they think the picture represents. Assure the students that there is no right or wrong answer and encourage them to use their imaginations.

2/ Adjectives and nouns  (для умения отстаивать свое мнение)

Students suggest adjective-noun phrases, for example, ‘a black cat’, ‘an expert doctor’. Contribute some yourself. As the phrases are suggested, write the adjectives in a column down the left-hand side of the board, and the nouns on the right-hand side. Then they volunteer ideas for different combinations, for example ‘a black doctor’ or ‘an expert cat’. See how many the class can make it. If someone suggests a strange combination, he/she has to justify it.

3/ Ambiguous Picture   (для развития догадки)

Draw a small part of a picture. Ask the students what it’s going to be. Encourage different opinions. Don’t confirm or reject their ideas. Add a little more to the drawing and ask the question again. Build the picture up in about four stages.

4/ Associations      (для закрепления лексики)

Start by suggesting an evocative word: ‘storm’, for example. A student says what the word suggests to him or her. It might be ‘dark’. The next student suggests an association with the word ‘dark’, and so round on the class. Here are the other words you may start with: sea, fire, tired, holiday, morning, English, home, angry. Or use an item of vocabulary the class has recently learnt.

5/ Blackboard Bingo  (для умения сосредотачиваться )

Write on the board 10 to 15 words which you’d like to review. Tell the students to choose any five of them and write them down. Read out the words, one by one and in any order. If the students have written down one of the words, you call out they cross it off. When they crossed off all their five words, they tell you, by shouting ‘Bingo’. Keep a record of what you say in order to be able to check that the students really have heard all their words.

6/ Brainstorm round a word   (для расширения словарного запаса)

Take a word the class has recently learnt, and ask the students to suggest all the words they associate with it. Write each suggestion on the board with a line joining it to the original word, in a circle, so that you can get a ‘sunray’ effect. If the original was ‘clothes’ for example, you might get: dress, scarf, skirt, coat, shirt, hat, socks, jeans

7/ Chain story   (для составления рассказа)

Begin telling a story. This can be the first few lines of a story from your course book, or improvised or you can invite a student to start. Then, going round the class, each student has to add another brief ‘installment’ to the story.

8/ Changing sentences   (для закрепления грамматики)

Choose a simple sentence pattern, which can be based on a grammatical structure you’ve recently learnt. For example, if you have been studying indirect objects take a sentence like: ‘She wrote a letter to her sister.’ Then the students invent variations, either by changing one element at a time: ‘She wrote a letter to her husband’

9/ Comparing things    (для выражения сравнения, различия или схожести)

Present the class with two different (preferably concrete) nouns, such as: an elephant and a pencil; the Prime Minister and a flower; a car and a person (preferably using vocabulary the class has recently learnt). Students suggest ways of comparing them. Usually it is best to define in what way you want them to compare, for example, by using comparatives; ‘A pencil is thinner than an elephant’. Or by finding differences; ‘The Prime Minister is noisy and a flower is silent. Or similarities; ‘Both a car and a person need fuel to keep them going’

10/ Correcting mistakes    (для проверки знания грамматики)

Write up a few sentences on the board that have deliberate mistakes in them. If you wish, tell the students in advance how many mistakes there are in each sentence. Here are some sample sentences; ‘Yesterday I’m very ill’, ‘The flowers was in the garden’, ‘They will come, isn’t it?’

11/ Detectives   (для отработки определенных речевых моделей)

One volunteer is the detective and goes outside. You give a coin to one of the students in the class to hide on their person — he or she is the thief. The detective returns and accuses any member of the class: ‘Did you take the money?’ The accused, whether guilty or innocent, answers, ‘No, I didn’t take the money, X (names one of the others) took it’. The detective then accuses X, using the same formula as before, and so on, until one or fifteen people have been accused (it is up to the students to make sure that the real thief is named). The detective watches the accused people and has to try to detect by their behavior, which one is lying. Give him or her three guesses.

12/ Don’t  say Yes or No    (для отработки коротких ответов / tag- answers)

One volunteer student stands in front of the class. The rest of the pupils fire questions at him or her, with the aim of eliciting the answer ‘yes’ or ‘no’. The volunteer has to try to answer the questions truthfully without these words. This will mostly be through the use of ‘tag’ answers such as ‘I did’ or ‘She doesn’t’. If the volunteer says the forbidden words, he or she is ‘out’ and another is chosen. Give a time limit of one minute; if within that time the volunteer hasn’t said ‘yes’ or ‘no’, he or she has won.

13/ Find someone who…  (для умения задавать вопросительные предложения)

The students have one minute to walk around the room and find at least one person in the class who was born in the same month as they were: they get one point for every person they find in the time. Then they have to find someone who was born on the same day of the month. Give further similar tasks for as much time as you have. (For example: Find someone who has the same numbers of brothers/sisters as you, Find someone who has the favorite color as you) At the end, see how many points each student has.

14/ Fact and fiction   (для заданий по типу True/False)

Ask all the students to write a statement, which is either true or false. Choose ten students at random to take it in turns to read out their sentences. The rest of the class (including the nine students who are actually reading out their own sentences) note down their names, listen carefully and make a tick or cross according to whether or not they think each student’s sentence is true or false. When the ten students have finished, compare responses and then ask the ten students to say whether their sentences were true or false.

15/ Favorite words   (для умения аргументировать )

Write on the board one of your favorite words. Tell the class it is one of your favorite words and explain why. It can be a favorite for any reason you like: it sounds nice to you; it looks nice; it’s so useful; it reminds you of good friends, occasions, places, etc. If you feel the students need more examples of words and reasons for liking them, write one or two more on the board. The students should now write down some of their favorite words and then give their reasons for choosing them to their neighbor. Some students might volunteer to write their favorite words on the board and give their reasons for liking them to the class.

Развитие образовательного процесса не стоит на месте. Оно находится в прямо пропорциональной  зависимости от изменений, происходящих  в техническом прогрессе. Именно поэтому появляются новые игровые приемы. В настоящее время игра переживает свой кульминационный период.

Жумагалиева Айгуль Жалгасбаевна,

учитель английского языка

КГУ ШГ №118
г. Алматы


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