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The theme of the lesson: “Funny English”


The Aim Of the lesson:

  1. to enrich   students’ knowledge
  2. To develop students’ speaking, writing, reading and logical thinking habits
  3. To bringing up them to be friendly, respect each other and work in teams

                                        A competition

The 1st Round:   Introducing the teams

The  2nd Round:  ”Big headed captains”

The 3rd  Round:  ”Guess some riddles”

The 4th Round:   ”Easy rhymes”

The 5th Round:   ”Funny grammar”

The 6th Round:   ”What’s happened with me?”

The 7th Round:   ”A wise person”

The 8th Round:     ”A snake” game

The proceedings of the lesson

  1. Teacher: good morning students and teachers!
  2. Welcome to our party! I think it ‘ll be very funny and interesting for you! Let’s see who  the best in English is. Today we are going to have a competition lesson between two teams among the students of 6th ___ Grade. This competition has 8 rounds.
  3. Introducing the teams Funny grammar
  4. Captains’ competition What’s happened with me?
  5. Guess some riddles             A wise person.
  6. Easy rhymes                            A snake game


P1 (Danel):  Dear teachers and guests, welcome to our party and have a fun with us! Before starting our competition Let’s elect a competition jury with the following memberships_____________________

They are our teachers

P2(Ansar): It’s time to start our competition!

The 1st round is introduction of the teams. You are welcome dear teammates! Please, captains start introducing your teammates.

The 1st team is Reds.

The 2nd team is Greens.

Thank you friends! Jury, your scores for teams…………….

The 1st team has_____ scores

The 2nd team has _____ scores

P1 (Danel): Let’s start the 2nd round. It is  called  “Big Headed Captains” . Your task is to answer the fallowing questions as fast as you can. Five for you and five for you

The 1st team______________________

The 2nd team ____________________

Thank you friends! Jury, your scores for teams…………….

The 1st team has_____ scores

The 2nd team has _____ scores

P2(Ansar): ): Now Let’s start the 3rd round. It is called “Guess some riddles”.  Your task is   to guess them. Four for you and four for you.

Thank you friends! Jury, your scores for teams…………….

The 1st team has_____ scores

The 2nd team has _____ scores

P1 (Danel): Let’s start the 4th round. It is  called  “Easy rhymes” . Your task is give pairs of these words as fast as you can. six for you and six for you.

Now dear jury who is the winner? Thank you!

The 1st team has_____ scores

The 2nd team has _____ scores

P2(Ansar): ): Now Let’s start the 5th  round. It is called “Funny grammar”.  Your task is   to make sentences from these words. Two envelopes for each team.

Now dear jury who is the winner? Thank you!

The 1st team has_____ scores

The 2nd team has _____ scores

Danel: Ansar, I think I and our friends a bit tired and you?

Ansar: Danel, I agree with you. Let’s have a rest! I know our friends like dancing and singing. It is time to dance and sing!

P1 (Danel): Oh I’m happy now. Let’s start the 6th round. It is  called  “What’s happened with me? ” .  it’s a miming and a guessing game. You’ll mime and you’ll guess. Now let’s start……..

Thank you friends! Jury, your scores for teams…………….

The 1st team has_____ scores

The 2nd team has _____ scores

P2(Ansar): ): Now Let’s start the 7th  round. It is called “A wise person”.   Your task is to give some English proverbs each other and give their Kazakh variants. One by one…. Let’s begin.

Thank you friends! Jury, your scores for teams…………….

The 1st team has_____ scores

The 2nd team has _____ scores

P1 (Danel): Let’s start the 8th round. It is  called  “A snake game” . Your task is to read the clues and write the answers on the snake. The last letter of each word is the first letter of the next word. Let’s start!

Now dear jury who is the winner? Thank you!

The 1st team has_____ scores

The 2nd team has _____ scores.

P2(Ansar): ): Now  our competition is finished.  It is time to collect the scores! I think we had a good time at our lesson today.

Now dear jury who is the winner? ………

Thank you!

P1 (Danel): thank you dear friend for your hard job! You were very active and creative. Thank you dear jury you were very honest and wise. Good bye everyone!

Иманжанова Ж.А.,
учитель английского языка,

КГУ «школа – гимназия №5

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